Donate if you wish to (Thanks!): Here’s new link to Engineering BOOTLOADER! IF YOU’RE ON 2.3.4 GINGERBREAD THEN YOU NEEEEEEEED TO DOWNGRADE BACK TO 2.2.1 FIRST BEFORE DOING THIS, HERE’S THE LINK: Link on the guide I followed for this video: Link to Visionary Root App (Remember, download this on your phone’s browser): These are the commands: First type in su then enter 1. Type “cd /data/local” and hit enter. 2. Now type “chmod 777 gfree” and hit enter to make the program executable. 3. Type “./gfree -f” and hit enter. 4. ./gfree –secu_flag off 5. ./gfree –sim_unlock Commands to flash Engineering Bootloader: First type in su then enter. 1. Type “cd /data/local” and enter. 2. Now type “dd if=hboot_dhd.nb0 of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p18” and hit enter. That’s it! Easy as cake guys, leave comments or PM me with questions! Good luck and Happy Flashing! PART TWO LINK:
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