This video is showing my Sense UI layout and what i think are the best apps on the android powered HTC Hero device. Winner of multiple awards. As i say in the video, this is my first gadget video so please be nice in the comments I decided to make this video cause i havent seen many HTC Hero app reviews and i see a lot of forums on what is the best Sense UI layout so i decided to have a go myself to help some people who may be interested out there. If you where wondering, my camera is the Nikon D5000. Very Good DSLR. I will try to make more HTC Hero videos in the near future so if there are any videos you would like me to make it on then please drop a comment or Private Message me. I will be happy to do so. I will try to reply to comments as soon as possible. Ohh and dont forget to Comment, Rate and Subscribe
Thanks. Ohh and one last thing. Please look at my friends page, some great reviews there aswell. Its NETrevgadget or just go to my page and look in my friends. Be sure to subscribe