Stream all day event will be @ ~Submit: ~Website: ~FaceBook ~Twitter: 1- Kniven on Vayne 2- 2Ponies1Apple on Ezreal 3- Potocky on Irelia 4- adfijshdp on Nidalee 5- Daramun on Mundo Players Choice Winner – iC Gordannn on Mundo ~Check out for some sweet guides made by some of the best League of Legends players alive. ~Please send your League of Legend Replays to for a chance to be in our video of the week in the future. ~We give away Razer equipment to our #1 top 5 winner and to a random subscriber weekly for more information watch Fries Prize ~~ Also if you can leave a comment/feedback on Every comment that goes up puts the post on the front page and it will rocket our video! Please post anything or any suggestions or even saying awesome video or whatever you’d like It would help a ton! Players choice voting will be on our website! Be sure to look out for it and our players choice clip will be in our next Friday’s video! Videos come out every Tuesday and Friday so be sure to check out each episode! ~Sign up for league of legends at FAQ: Where can I submit a replay? You can use our form on our website Do I send in the whole replay? Yes, send in the whole replay and we’ll do the rest. If you’re sending in a pre-recorded file, then …
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Very interesting info!Perfect just what I was looking for!