How to ROOT and put CUSTOM ROM on your Motorola Atrix 4G! Full step by step for any version firmware! No matter what version your Motorola Atrix 4G is running for its firmware, or whether it is rooted or not, feel free to run through this tutorial (AT&T Phones Only!!!). Objectives: 1.) Flash back to original stock firmware 1.2.6 (forum.xda-developers.com A)Download the 1.2.6 Atrix.7z (use winrar to unzip to your desktop www.rarlabs.com) B)Dowload RSDLite 5.0 and install. C)Follow the directions to flash your device and just watch and listen to me. 2.) Install Gladroot, following the directions for 1.26 to 1.57 (http A)Read the directions and follow them. DO NOT SKIP ANY STEPS! Complete steps 1-17! 3.) Go here (briefmobile.com and download v2.1 Greyblur A)When download complete, transfer the .zip onto your SD of your phone. 4.) Download Tenfar’s CWM recovery for Motorola Atrix 4G (forum.xda-developers.com by geting the MOTOA4_Bootstrap_0408_1720-signed.apk A)Place the file in the SD of your phone 5.) In Android Market, download the Flash Player 10.2 update for your device. 6.) Install the MOTOA4Bootstrap file by navigating to it on your phone by using the ‘Files’ app that is preloaded with your Atrix. 7.) Follow the prompts, watch what I do and listen to me. Allow super user access. Install Recovery. Plug your phone into the wall. 8.) Run recovery mode and install GreyBlur from internal SD! Let it do its thing .. relax and come back to play! CONGRATS IF YOU MADE IT! Like …