====================== PART 2 IS NOW DONE! Check it out! www.youtube.com ====================== It’s here! I’ve been wanting to do this for a while. A very basic and straightforward HoN tutorial. I hope you guys find it helpful. I’m almost sure S2 will put out their own tutorial when the game finishes, but I thought as an old DOTA player I’d have a go at it. Incase anyone is wondering- I didn’t include anything about Neutral creeps because I ran out of time- Youtube has a 10 minute limit, and I was gonna tack it on at the end but then ran out Hope the tutorial helps :3 -Nigma Software used: FRAPS (Recording) Sony Vegas (Editing) Goldwave (Background noise removal) PS: I don’t know where people got the idea that I’m a walking HoN Beta invite dispenser- but I’m not. Don’t message me for beta keys -_-
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