Hello, thanks again for checking out another of my videos. I have to thank Flipz for this great rom that he has built. included in this version is some new features including: 1. 270 degree rotation meaning it will auto rotate to the left or the right now 2. fresh updater is included with patches, rom updates and themes 3. bug fixes including force close on tethering 4. rosie landscape support (isnt pretty but does work perfectly.) 5. 802.11 N wireless support 6. 12 new rosie widgets (mentioned in video) and much more! you can find the rom and all updates as well as ask all questions in the links below: forum.xda-developers.com or forum.smartphonejunkie.com be sure to fully root your device and you can find out how to do that here: forum.xda-developers.com if you need just amons recovery because you are on clockwork recovery you can find that and get that at the link below: forum.xda-developers.com be sure to hit the subscribe button to subscribe to my videos ifyou want email confirmation each time one is added follow me on twitter at dash_spj friend me on facebook at smartphonejunkie dash spj be sure to check out my fellow smartphonejunkie staff members electronics review channel at: www.youtube.com/iceman7679
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