I upgraded from the HTC Thunderbolt, to iPhone 4S, & finally to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. get me a week at least for a impression video. I hope you guys liked this unboxing enjoy! Here is a LONG overdue review of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus the CMDA version. I hope you guys liked. Sorry for the poor focus quality and for not really being professional about this review I kind of rushed it. Anyways I hope you guys liked this review don’t skip in this VIDEO at all, if you do you will miss important information. This video is long for a reason. The reason is I WENT over EVERYTHING you want or need to know about this phone. Enjoy. Download Links: Volume+: bit.ly Google Wallet: bit.ly PowerAMP: bit.ly Like me: www.facebook.com Personal G+ me *Google+*: profiles.google.com Tech’s Buyer’s Guide G+: plus.google.com Stalk me: twitter.com