1. Flames Free 0:19 market.android.com 2. Death Rally 0:37 market.android.com 3. Dark Legends 1:55 market.android.com 4. Minibash 3:29 market.android.com 5. MiniGame Paradise 5:24 market.android.com 6. Ninja Royale 6:36 market.android.com 7. Twist Monkey 7:24 market.android.com 8. OnetouchDrawing 8:26 market.android.com 9. Feed your Dino 9:18 market.android.com 10. Hybrid 10:20 market.android.com Credits to the Outro Beat by MircroDMusic.com 2 or more shows every week on dedicated App Mondays & Game Thursdays =D Subscribe & Stay Subbed =] WANT MORE CooLoserNess?!! Visit my Website @ AndroidSavage.com Find over 1000 Apps & Games I have reviewed so far! (11 – 4/2012 ) You will see the quick list in Categories of ALL the Applications & Games I have Reviewed with links to the video #Number# to watch a review for that such title. Find the latest Android tech news. Top Mobile devices to have. Deals. My Favorite Must have Apps. Help Support Forums and Contact. Merchandise (looking forward to it) and more to come as I progress in time. Spread The Word!!! =] ***** Stay in touch – Follow me On Twitter : —— My personal — Twitter.com (everything) —— Tech relevant — Twitter.com (new) On Facebook : —— Facebook.com On Google+ —— plus.google.com ******* My Stuff & More – In this video I am using the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, running Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. – The camera I use to record with audio = Canon PowerShot SX230 HS – I edit my videos on Sony Vegas Movie …