You can find leds for sale in this link – www.epicphysics.com A brief video showing how LED lights work. LED lights work using one of the simplest light emitting diodes. This diode is silicone based. It has both a positive material and negative material sandwiched beside each other, when they are combined they create a pn junction. This pn junction is the area in which the light is created. The lens of the LED then refracts this light into a spherical illumination. led lights/lamps can usually be powered by 12v and are used in the auto and automotive industry. LED lights are expected to improve efficiency and light output significantly over the following number of years, they should eventually totally replace the incandescent light bulb.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
See: www.thhe.dk How to make “Auto daytime running lights in Fog Lights”, on a Ford Mondeo Mk.III
Video Rating: 5 / 5
why no sound
it was really helpful thanks for putting up this vid
aa… have i goit it right? what is the “hole”? is it an atom which lacks an electron? or in other words it always searches for electron to take it onboard beside other electrons and fill that single empty position?
Yeah! See I want to know how to do everything just encase of an economic collapse or something like that. So I can create jobs!
With machines i’d imagine,they probably show how they make them on the discovery channel on the show “how they do it”, if not, they should :).
Cool, glad it informed you
How the heck do you build something so small?!
Incredibly simplistic and informative.
I loVE it SHORT but Comprehensive….:p
gud video
sweet and short
Very nice video
will all the led’s works on same principle irrespective of colour? if so then how the ions form colour s as red,blue,yellow….
how do you control LED to produce difference colours
Bravo! :)
@EpicPhysics Oled lights will be next thing
thanks alot
thanks i wondered how they make colors on leds now i know
To be honest i’m not 100% sue but i think it depends on the semiconductors that are in the p-n junction that determines whether they will emit visible light, uv light or even infrared light. This is controlled by the wavelength of the photons emitted, which is in turn controlled by the energy difference the electron has to lose in order to combine with the hole. Hope that makes sense
Thanx a lot for your reply………….
So when can one be sure that the particular PN junction will emit the light ?
What is the criteria for PN junction to emit light?
Waiting for your reply
No prbs, glad you liked it. I uploaded a video showing how lasers work if you would be interested in that also
No not all P-N Junctions emit light. They can be used in hundreds of applications, from solar panels to light defendant resistors etc, they’re working away in your laptop/pc/cell phOne right now
so does diode which is a PN junction also emits light ????
This is a really helpful video, thank you for uploading it!
tam jest czujnik zmierzchu … pomyśl trochę
Yes I changed them later to a 6W.
I don’t know why the parkinglights have a delay
Actually it works a bit weird regarding the fog light switch, but I can turn on and off everything
I don’t know why the parking lights stay on longer – aks Ford’s programmer :o)
Yes the rear lights are off in daylight too
Ha, I saw that when the xenons went off the sidelamps the T10s stay on. Does the rear lights are on too?
i poco to komu jak się chce zmienić światła to trzeba podczas jazdy dotknąć szyby
Hi Thomas, the fog lights can works on the original mode also? If you turn on the fog lights it is works? I watched the drawing, you cut the wire of the fog lights.Thank you for your help.
Very cool. Are the fog lamps are LED H11? Why when turn off the Xenon lights still working the parking lights?