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Video Rating: 4 / 5

How to install switches: www.youtube.com ★YOU WILL NEED★ (Read more below) 1) LED strips – Search for “LED flexible strip” on eBay. (Click the link below to search on eBay) shop.ebay.com I recommend you to buy two LEDs from “one” seller, because color willl vary depending on each seller. (even they are same white) 2) Double sided tape – 6 to 8 mm water proof would be perfecct. shop.ebay.com 3) Current Tester (Car circuit tester) shop.ebay.com 4) Crocodile Clip – You don’t really need it, but it’s helpful to test LEDs. shop.ebay.com 5) Soldering iron and solder – You can get them from Radio Shack. 6) Electrical tape – any kind would be fine. 7) Wires – Any thin wires would work fine. Here are some hookup wires from RadioShak. www.radioshack.com ★Simple image if wiring★→ 2:21 ★Picture★: Taking power from the fuse. dl.dropbox.com (If the link doesn’t work, right click on the link, click “save the target as”, save it on desktop, add “.jpg” at the end of the file name, double click to open!) -Steps- 1. Take the fuse you chose. 2. Wrap a thin wire around the metal part of fuse. 3. Put the fuse back.
I don’t really know the reason why they were not made. but we do have other color options that look similar to the ones shown in the video.
Why are these tail lights not being made?
check out k2motor DOT com that is where you would order these tail lights
I’m on your website I dont see prices or a way to order?
to save your time just remove both side covers and unscrew taillights… you don’t need to unscrew all other plastic parts in trunk
se pueden comprar en k2motor.com
No son iguales , en amazon se consiguen parecidas pero no son idénticas a las del video … por eso consulto donde las puedo conseguir xq en amazon y eBay no son las mismas… ayuda.. busco luces traseras iguales a las del video …
amazonn estan a 164 dollars.
I am interested in purchasing a tail light like the ones shown in this video, I could tell where I can get?
Estoy interesado en adquirir unas luces traseras iguales a las que se muestran en este video, me podrian decir donde las puedo conseguir?
Are these tail lights street legal, or are they just for show? I wouldn’t want to get pulled over
So… what do you do if one of the LED lights go out? Buy a new set?
so do we.. its very unfortunate that its not being made
I want the red ones pretty bad.
Are the red versions out yet?
sorry guys, the red ones never got developed as we have been pushing for so long for it.
We want red ones
you make vehicles?
I want those exact tail lights where can I get them? Every time I see them they’re blacked out or something and I can’t fiend the right one.
How much does a decent pair of LED headlights cost? I want to get some for my celica GT-S. Thanks
I’ll just wait for the red version. And I wish these tail light’s had a amber blinker, would a lot better.
also, you can always get red film and tint the tail lights.
as mentioned below, we have been trying to push to have the red ones produced but it doesnt look like it will be because it would be the only ones that are getting bought.
Yup, just connect it to a fuse and push it in.
Thanks man!!
How do you insert the positive into the fuse box? did you just stick the wire in? or did you connect it to a fuse and push it in?
Great video, easy instructions (very clear and right to the core), soothing music for concentration. 5***** all the way man! Ahola.
Thanks for your comment!
Glad to hear that you actually tried this out!!
i did it and it works awesome . thanks
Hi, each of them are 30 cm long.
how long are each of those led lights?
Yeah, I agree! I would have to try that sometime. Thanks for your comment!
I accidentally cut a 240v cable in the garage next to my Laptop, But the page instantly changed I was older and my daughter as tall as I am!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
I thought this was disabled years ago, but it’s still there!!!! DATA stored in the HALL EFFECT of electric lines jumps time
Energy Equals Life dot com
Wow not bad looking, nice video!
add blue head lights, its gonna look awesome, thanks for the video
This LED strip is made for 12v, so you don’t need resistors.
Thanks for your comment!
No, because they run on 12V and if you use your cars battery, it puts out 12V so you’ll be fine.
Does the LED strip come with resistors? Since LED run on very low battery voltage wouldnt they be blown without resistors?
You’re more than welcome, man!
Hey, thanks!!
You can just wrap a thin wire on the fuse and put it back. I have a link to a picture in the description box if you want to see it.
thanks brother
i will post a video thank you very much
Hi great tutorial. I want to know, when you insert the wire into the fuse to get the power, do you put in the wire and just shove the fuse back in on top of the wire to hold it in?
Yeah, I think that should be ok.
Yeah, mine also stays on for a couple of minutes and that’s ok. Or you can install a switch if you want to turn it off whenever you want. I have a tutorial video for that.
If you want, you can post a video response here and show how it turned out on your car.
i tap it into the A/C CONDENSER FAN RELAY
is that ok ?
Hi i just finished installing this on my 09 accord and its great ! Thanks , but when i turn the key off the leds will stay on for a minute or less then will shut off completley
I followed every step of your video , i only found the fan fuse was the one, so i added a circuit to it with a fuse, but how can i have them shut off completley i have posted a thread about this problem here is the link