Facebook it! on.fb.me Tweet it! bit.ly A harsh, gritty look at the world of Mario Kart in real life. Red shells mean business. Thanks to K1 Speed for allowing us use of their track! Check out their YouTube Channel at youtube.com Special thanks to Corridor Digital ( youtube.com ) and Lifepreneur ( youtube.com ) for VFX help and behind the scenes camera work! Couldn’t have done it without those guys! — Website! facerocker.com Twitter! http twitter.com Facebook! facebook.com Behind the scenes/Tutorial channel! youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Tweet it! bit.ly Facebook it! on.fb.me A cat wins the Medal of Honor for his heroic actions in the line of duty. We did not hurt any cats in the making of this video. One cat named Danny became incredibly well fed, though! — 2nd Channel! youtube.com Twitter! twitter.com twitter.com Facebook! facebook.com Website! facerocker.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5