Комментируйте, голосуйте, распространяйте ролик! Об этом должен знать каждый! WE LOVE OUR AMERICAN AUDIENCE, SUBSCRIBE, WE WILL BE ADDING ENGLISH SUBTITLES TO FUTURE VIDEOS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT Распространяйте ролик! Об этом должен знать каждый! Производство студии My Duck’s Vision Сайт студии: Официальная группа вконтакте Video Rating: 4 / 5
Posts Tagged ‘About’
Настоящая правда о Facebook! / The real truth about Facebook! (+ eng. subs)
Posted: 30th March 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, eng., Facebook, Real, subs, Truth, Настоящая, правда
Farewell Facebook (Short film about Digital Suicide)
Posted: 21st March 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, Digital, Facebook, Farewell, film, short, Suicide
Short film made for and copyrighted by the Dutch Film and Television Academy (Nederlandse Film en Televisie Academie) – march 2010. “Can I be facebookfriends with my parents? Should I add someone i don’t really know? Will other people think my status update’s funny?” I try to answer these and other existential questions in the […]
Worst things about the iPhone 4S
Posted: 12th March 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, iphone, Things, Worst
What we hate most about Apple’s biggest hit. Video Rating: 3 / 5
JULIAN SMITH – 25 Things I Hate About Facebook
Posted: 8th March 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, Facebook, Hate, JULIAN, SMITH, Things
Add me on facebook! “25 Things” T-Shirts Are Here! Order here: If this video made you laugh or nod your head, post it on your wall! Share it with your friends! (Copy and paste this description so that others can to do it too!) WANT THIS VIDEO ON YOUR IPOD/IPHONE? GO HERE: […]