If you haven’t seen Part 1 please see it first. An in depth video series on how things are much easier to do on Android compared to the iPhone or iPad. Please subscribe to my channel if you like what you see. Part 1: youtu.be Part 2: youtu.be Part 4: youtu.be Part 5: youtu.be **BONUS […]
Posts Tagged ‘Truth’
Android Vs iOS The Truth about Apple and Google’s OS Part 3 of 5
Posted: 10th May 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, Android, Apple, Google's, Part, Truth
Android Vs iOS The Truth about Apple and Google’s OS **Bonus FAQ Edition**
Posted: 8th May 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, Android, Apple, Bonus, edition, Google's, Truth
FAQ Session from Android VS iOS Series. **FAQ** 1. What was the security app you used on Android? Cerberus 2. How did you send the webpage from your browser to your phone? Chrome to Phone 3. What app did you use for the pull down notification power buttons? Widgetsoid 4. What screen protector did you […]
Android Vs iOS The Truth about Apple and Google’s OS Part 1
Posted: 14th April 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, Android, Apple, Google's, Part, Truth
After using an iPhone for 30 days, I realized that Android has a much more polished UI and more intuitive features. Things were much more difficult to do on the iPhone then they were on Android. This is the reason why I created this video series. I want to show the flexibility on Android compared […]
Настоящая правда о Facebook! / The real truth about Facebook! (+ eng. subs)
Posted: 30th March 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: About, eng., Facebook, Real, subs, Truth, Настоящая, правда
Комментируйте, голосуйте, распространяйте ролик! Об этом должен знать каждый! WE LOVE OUR AMERICAN AUDIENCE, SUBSCRIBE, WE WILL BE ADDING ENGLISH SUBTITLES TO FUTURE VIDEOS FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT Распространяйте ролик! Об этом должен знать каждый! Производство студии My Duck’s Vision Сайт студии: mdvision.ru Официальная группа вконтакте vkontakte.ru Video Rating: 4 / 5
The Truth Behind Facebook, What is it Really For?
Posted: 24th March 2012 by iluminatu_admin in UncategorizedTags: Behind, Facebook, Really, Truth
What is Facebook really for? Make sure you share this on Facebook and people around you. Please excuse the spelling, and don’t leave mean comments. Twitter: twitter.com Song: Two Steps from Hell – Heart of Courage ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. […]