Ingredients for Thanksgiving Tebasaki Chicken Wings (serves 2) 6 Chicken Wings (360g/12.7oz) A sprinkle of Salt 1 tsp Sake 1 tsp Ginger Root Juice 2 tbsp Potato Starch 2 tbsp Soy Sauce 2 tbsp Sake 2 tbsp Mirin 2 tsp Sugar 1 tsp Grated Garlic 1 tsp Grated Ginger Root ½ tsp Vinegar Toasted White Sesame Seeds Cracked Black Pepper Sansho Pepper Powder Ichimi – Red Chili Powder Frying Oil (Vegetable Oil) Sesame Oil <材料>2人分手羽先:6本(約360g) 塩:少々酒:小1 生姜汁:小1 片栗粉:大2 醤油:大2 酒:大2 みりん:大2 砂糖:小2 にんにくすりおろし:小1 生姜すりおろし:小1 酢:小1/2 炒りごま(白) 粗挽き黒胡椒粉山椒一味唐辛子揚げ油(サラダ油) ごま油

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