RELEASE VIDEO HERE – Once again this is a pre release version therefore none of what you see here is FINAL. The video is uploaded for you to gain an idea of what he may be able to do. Riot may still change things around for the champion and therefore change the power of his jungle. I was also limited in rune choices so I was running a gimped jungle. The live release of Hecarim will have an optimized rune build. He can run BOOTS jungle with the proper runes and that is what I’ll showcase in the release build. This video used Attack Damage Red Armor Yellow Movement Speed Quints Skill Order QWQ I noticed that the champion does a rather fine job clearing and would be better with the proper runes. The Movement Speed Quints didn’t do anything since his passive isn’t really significant yet but whether you’ll still want to take them I can’t say that for sure yet. He’s rather sustained as you can see. I ended up with 2 potions at the end and I have yet to try a lifesteal start with him. I cannot tell you where he may be till I get further testing on him with proper runes. However what can be seen thus far is that he’ll have some build freedom, pathing freedom and perhaps be well sustained. Music – The Forgotten Castle by Zero-Project The Website for the music – go and support them. They provide their music for free download
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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