My 98 Mitsubishi Eclipse LED taillight conversion with 7-segment sequential turn signals and sequential brake lights. All custom built.
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My 98 Mitsubishi Eclipse LED taillight conversion with 7-segment sequential turn signals and sequential brake lights. All custom built.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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That was simply, epic.
I made this myself back in 2006 and spent about $800 in materials since it was all custom built and took a lot of experimentation to get the look I was after. Two people have built similar tail lights of thier own for 2G Eclipses based upon my design. No one builds these for retail sale.
just tell me…
how much?
I just saw this in person randomly on the road. Had to look it up. Much better visually at night. That’s probably the coolest aftermarket accessory I’ve seen so far this century (light wise)
I’m a chevy guy if that matters (2011 silverado)
okay thank explain,,,
the car have 4 amber yellow lights on the both sides,,,
more safety and less accident,,,
be smart and wise
Because, unlike most countries in the world, USA rules do not require amber turn signals. Red or amber rear turn signal are approved in the USA.
how come this car do not have 2 AMBER YELLOW lights on the rear taillights for turning sign
Fucking Bad Ass! I’ve got an idea though. How about this…instead of us having to build it ourselves, why don’t YOU start a company manufacturing these and make a God Damn FORTUNE? I mean, how many people have got the technical know-how to do shit like this? I know I don’t. You build it, and they WILL buy it! I know I would.
LOL that’s pretty sick
Must of costed a pretty penny
WOW!!! just wow!
dude that is awesome
That’s bad ass
hey you can earn money making some publicity to pizza hut in your taillights!
I want to hate it, but for some reason I find it quite cool.
This is terribly tacky.
Understand now. There is a “Kitt” Knight Rider replica around here at a few of the local shows.
just the style.i mean like knight rider Bact to the future etc. flashy lamp and know what i mean
Ha! I was just out of college in the 80’s and I don’t remember seeing anything this advanced back then.
soo 80’s
maybe you miss the point of tail lights
a miata is gay but i do not judge a cars is a car … and dont be showing it off up in laguna hills and thinking your car is cool like for real drop that shit off at the junk yard i understand you cant get a heavier car to beat my GST !! ! so you buy cars like miatas and del sols and mr2 is okay but fucking gay be a man get a heavy car and build it and see what you can do cheap asses
DUUUUUUUUUUUDE this is sick as fuck. I want to do this, would be possible on a 1998 Ford Contour SE?
ULTRA ILLLLLLLL !!!! Like everyone else here . . . I wud buy this $hit in an HrtBeat!! Fo Sho!! OMG this is . . . I’m at a loss for words!!