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This video is audio described for the visually-impaired. The original version can be found here: youtu.be We announced our self-driving car project in 2010 to make driving safer, more enjoyable, and more efficient. Having safely completed over 200000 miles of computer-led driving, we wanted to share one of our favorite moments. Here’s Steve, who joined us for a special drive on a carefully programmed route to experience being behind the wheel in a whole new way. We organized this test as a technical experiment, but we think it’s also a promising look at what autonomous technology may one day deliver if rigorous technology and safety standards can be met. Music: The Album Leaf – “We Need Help”
Whether you are born again or not, straight or gay, rich or poor, remember one day you will appear before the throne of God and give an account of your life on Earth.
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Ojala sea Electrico, y que no haya forma alguna de que use combustible fosil!!!. Aun mejor si fuera Solar, o Eolico!!!
Awesome search engine, Google!
Balloons for Google!
Kick the butt off Bing and keep it up!
That’s probably true but I think the real question is can you program it for trail braking ?
Save on automobile insurance. See this internet site to get a fast and simple and easy rate check and bring down your costs.
So the car drives for you, yet It makes YOU roll the window down?
Ola Ivan tudo bem vou lhe dar uma dica nesta mesma pagina tem um Auto-
Teste de conduçao do carro Steve Mahan, de uma conferida voce ira adorar,
Abraços.Roseli A Wostog,
Is this audio described by Brent Spiner (Data from TNG)?
Um, yes.
Auto insurance companies rely upon the fact that many people will not perform adequate research before signing up for a policy. Try not to fall for their scams – find out how you can pay as low as $9 a week for auto insurance simply by exploring our 100% cost free webpage now!
Me too, omg!!!!
When I was a kid I thought “it will come true one day”. This is that day. God bless you. Imagine racing cars! LOL.
I could just imagine someone cuts the car off then the car speeds up and crashes them. lol
If you mean speeding tickets, then yes – unless of course you go into manual mode and break the speed limit yourself.
Blind people watch youtube?!
Google FTW
so does this mean we don’t have to worry about getting any tickets?
google wants everyone on earth to drive them so there wouldn’t be car accidents
Safi sana hii.